Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Planting Out

Yesterday afternoon we spent our meeting time planting a flower bed at the church where we meet.

The girls added the potting soil and peat moss, mixed them together, then planted the flowers and got them out of the pots by themselves!  The back row is morning glories, plus a small trellis to help them get up to the ironwork above the planter, then pink (for Sparks) spreading petunias, and the front row is marigolds.  Because deer hate marigolds and we're hoping they'll protect the rest of the plants!

Name Change

You may have noticed that the name of this blog has changed.  It's now Sparkling Sparks and Bouncing Brownies.  Next year I'll be leading Brownies, but we'll still be doing lots of stuff with the Sparks.  Anything we do with the Sparks will be so noted and added to the side bar, and Brownie stuff will be added as something you can search for.

For Brownie Keys, they will be noted as BK name of key.  Ex - BK Brownies
For Brownie Interest Badges, they'll be noted as BIB name of badge.  Ex BIB Be a chef.

I hope you'll like the new content.  Don't worry - I'll be back to Sparks soon enough.  I have another little person approaching that age right now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Park Cleanup

Instead of staying inside today, the girls and I went down to the local waterfront/park property to do a cleanup.  I've found with the ages of Sparks (5-6), they need a reward after doing cleanups like that.  So after we picked up garbage for about forty minutes, we let them run around the playground after that.

For the trash pickup itself, I brought enough recycled bags for all the girls to have one, as well as plastic gloves (as I didn't want them getting dirty from the stuff they picked up).